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Fleeing To Saftey
Reports came in that broke our hearts. We have a war that is leaving devastation in its wake. Hundreds flee from death and destruction, and today,…
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Reports came in that broke our hearts. We have a war that is leaving devastation in its wake. Hundreds flee from death and destruction, and today,…
Our Bible translation committee is preparing for another journey from their mountaintop villages in Chin State down to Yangon. These men travel…
Help us build housing for the displaced people of Myanmar. Please take a moment and walk with me into a world broken and torn by war, a war…
For those of you who have followed our journey into the deepest parts of the jungles, delivering bags of rice to some of the most remote villages or supporting countless building projects among the blood-soaked streets of Yangon, you will…
We are overjoyed to announce to you all that our sweet sister Mae Swei is pregnant! Mae Swei & Pastor Naing, and their family are overjoyed and excited about the new baby!…
Give a Christmas Feast to Our Brothers and Sisters in Myanmar! Christmas is just around the corner, and for our Myanmar family it is…
Help us meet essential medical needs for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Myanmar. Often for a few dollars we can get them life-saving medicine. The people…
Our brothers and sisters in Myanmar often have urgent needs for food and daily necessities. Many live on the edge, and any disturbances in their lives can cause immediate shortages. Natural disasters, diseases,…
Help Us Help Them In Their Time of Dire Need Having a baby can be a stressful event in normal times; trying to have one during a pandemic in the middle…
Provide Emergency Shelter for 100 Families While all of our emergency relief was being distributed amid the coronavirus pandemic, Pastor Naing discovered a large…
Hungry Brothers and Sisters Need Your Help The pandemic has caused a major food crisis for our brothers and sisters in Myanmar. Among the network of…
Water Problems in Myanmar A well will make it all well again In the midst of Myanmar’s own coronavirus crisis, water has been cut off for much of Yangon, affecting Pastor Naing’s family and the orphans as well as the students…
We enthusiastically introduce you to: “Missions to the Americas” Nine years ago, we launched Mission to Myanmar, and by God’s grace we have successfully rallied…
By the grace of God, we are supporting our brothers and sisters in Myanmar by assisting them with the good work they are already doing. Please join us in helping…
Join us again this year for our nationwide 4K walk/run/swim. Events are being organized in cities near you. Organize your own event, sign up to…
Help us keep our little brothers and sisters in Myanmar safe this rainy season by buying them new mosquito netting and protecting them in other ways. Right now there is an epidemic across Myanmar…
God has given us a unique opportunity to be part of a historic endeavor to print a Bible in a language…
Every year we visit the Rakhine orphanage center and spend a wonderful afternoon with the children there, but this most recent time we noticed that one of the buildings they live in is rotting away. The front porch is about…
We all have spare change laying around. Rather than tossing it in a desk drawer, put it in one of our Change Thru Change jars. You can also become a coordinator and distribute jars to your family & friends.
If the Lord prospers our efforts and we are able to raise the money for the school building in time, then the funds we raise beyond that will…
By God’s grace we have been able to build two new buildings, install solar power, help them build a security fence, dig two new wells and…
By God’s grace we have been able to build two new buildings, install solar power, help them build a security fence, dig two new wells and build a cistern. Praise God. We look forward to seeing our friends at the Rakhine Orphanage Center in January. Pray for us and help us fund the needs of their education and care. We support a family as well as a young ministry worker who lives with and cares for these beautiful children.
By God’s grace we have been able to build two new buildings, install solar power, help them build a security fence, dig two new wells and build a cistern. Praise God. We look forward to seeing our friends at the Rakhine Orphanage Center in January. Pray for us and help us fund the needs of their education and care. We support a family as well as a young ministry worker who lives with and cares for these beautiful children.