Emergency Medical Aid

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Help us meet essential medical needs for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Myanmar. Often for a few dollars we can get them life-saving medicine. The people there face disease and sickness on a regular basis, but with so little money at their disposal what could have been easy to treat often leads to severe illness and even death. Your support will change the lives of our fellow Christians in Myanmar and also be a way for them to help their neighbors who are also suffering, shining the light of Gospel to them.

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One-time Monthly

IMPORTANT: How Your Donations are Used

Our ministries, in Myanmar with Mission To Myanmar and in the Americas with Missions To the Americas, have a lot of different needs, some more pressing than others. If the orphans are short on food, for instance, building a school building is not as critical as feeding them. If two needs are only partially funded, then we may be able to accomplish either one. With these examples in mind, we prefer to be able to reallocate your funds as needed. If you don't want us to do this, please select the appropriate option below.


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  1. Steve Walker Family
  2. Mary Miknus
  3. Caleb Masquelier
  4. David Hector
  5. Jennifer Nesbitt
  6. Elizabeth Marrs
  7. Lynora Hart
  8. Tim
  9. Kathleen Rogers
  10. Ronald Capstick
  11. Anonymous
  12. Brandy Sexton
  13. George Rice
  14. Brenda
  15. Sheri Ingersoll
  16. Ronald Capstick
  17. David and Susan Peterson
  18. Mary Hall
  19. Anonymous


Enter your gift amount


One-time Monthly

IMPORTANT: How Your Donations are Used

Our ministries, in Myanmar with Mission To Myanmar and in the Americas with Missions To the Americas, have a lot of different needs, some more pressing than others. If the orphans are short on food, for instance, building a school building is not as critical as feeding them. If two needs are only partially funded, then we may be able to accomplish either one. With these examples in mind, we prefer to be able to reallocate your funds as needed. If you don't want us to do this, please select the appropriate option below.
