Essential Food and Shelter Needs

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Our brothers and sisters in Myanmar often have urgent needs for food and daily necessities. Many live on the edge, and any disturbances in their lives can cause immediate shortages. Natural disasters, diseases, and internal conflicts are just a few of the common causes. We have been able to supply them with disaster relief many times before and saved lives. Our brothers and sisters are also able to share with those around them, ministering the Gospel physically and spiritually to their community in difficult times. Give a gift today to help when these needs arise.

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One-time Monthly

IMPORTANT: How Your Donations are Used

Our ministries, in Myanmar with Mission To Myanmar and in the Americas with Missions To the Americas, have a lot of different needs, some more pressing than others. If the orphans are short on food, for instance, building a school building is not as critical as feeding them. If two needs are only partially funded, then we may be able to accomplish either one. With these examples in mind, we prefer to be able to reallocate your funds as needed. If you don't want us to do this, please select the appropriate option below.


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  1. William Gondy
  2. Stephen Holmes
  3. Jennifer Hammond
  4. Samuel Popiel
  5. Anonymous
  6. Jessica Keane
  7. Anonymous
  8. Alexander Garden
  9. Anonymous
  10. Bryan Ramer
  11. Randy Taylor
  12. Laura Downey
  13. Anonymous
  14. Kimberly S Evans
  15. Caasi Suaava
  16. Mark
  17. Mark
  18. Mark
  19. Mark
  20. David Langley
  21. Ronald Capstick
  22. Rebekah Robinette
  23. Anonymous
  24. Paul Levine
  25. Jonathan Clark
  26. Jonathan Clark
  27. Jonathan Clark


Enter your gift amount


One-time Monthly

IMPORTANT: How Your Donations are Used

Our ministries, in Myanmar with Mission To Myanmar and in the Americas with Missions To the Americas, have a lot of different needs, some more pressing than others. If the orphans are short on food, for instance, building a school building is not as critical as feeding them. If two needs are only partially funded, then we may be able to accomplish either one. With these examples in mind, we prefer to be able to reallocate your funds as needed. If you don't want us to do this, please select the appropriate option below.
