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Fleeing To Saftey

Reports came in that broke our hearts. We have a war that is leaving devastation in its wake. Hundreds flee from death and destruction, and today, they are not…

  • 0% Funded
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Latest Needs

Ministry Center Project

Help us build housing for the displaced people of Myanmar. Please take a moment and walk with me into a world broken and torn by war, a war…

  • 21% Funded
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Latest Needs

Operation Save the Ministry Truck

For those of you who have followed our journey into the deepest parts of the jungles, delivering bags of rice to some of the most remote villages or supporting countless building…

  • 1% Funded
  • 0 Hours to Go
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Latest Needs

A New Baby!

We are overjoyed to announce to you all that our sweet sister Mae Swei is pregnant! Mae Swei & Pastor…

  • 60% Funded
  • 0 Hours to Go
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Latest Needs

Emergency Medical Aid

Help us meet essential medical needs for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Myanmar. Often for a few dollars we can get them life-saving medicine. The people there face disease and sickness on a regular basis, but with so little…

  • 23% Funded
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Latest Needs

Essential Food and Shelter Needs

Our brothers and sisters in Myanmar often have urgent needs for food and daily necessities. Many live on the edge, and any disturbances in their lives can cause immediate…

  • 57% Funded
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Latest Needs

Help Build 100 Refugee Homes

Provide Emergency Shelter for 100 Families While all of our emergency relief was being distributed amid the coronavirus pandemic, Pastor Naing discovered a large group of homeless refugees (100 families) whose village was burned down…

  • 105% Funded
  • 0 Hours to Go
