Agonizing Reports from Chin State

By admin

Agonizing reports have come accompanied with disturbing pictures of those who were tied and burned alive. What the pictures show is something that once seen can never be forgotten.

I have withheld the images due to the horror of them. Yet, I think it is essential for you all to understand their circumcises. 

As their brothers and sisters in Christ, it is our call to mourn with them and understand their ever-present pain and sorrow, for that is what they feel—sorrow for the loss of their loved ones and pain as they see no end in sight of this bloodshed. 

The images of the victims show men and boys reaching and grasping for relief from the flames, yet the smoke and rope that binds them holds them back, leaving them with nothing but death to save them from the agony of their situation. 

Bystanders to this horrible event state, “We heard their cry for help and groans in agony, yet we could do nothing because of the military.” 

In addition, we’ve received reports that over 22 churches in upper Chin State have been burned to the ground, as well as over 1,000 homes left in ashes as the military grasps for control. Men, women, and children continue to flee this death and destruction, searching for shelter and safety amid the broken and torn country they call home. 

Pray and cry out to God on behalf of these weary souls. Cry out for rest and restoration of family and hearts. Pray that in this time, hearts and minds would be open to the Gospel so that they may find comfort in the name of Jesus.

Although we didn’t know those who lost their lives in this report, our hearts go out to their loved ones, and we choose to tell their stories as well as petition you all to pray for Myanmar as a whole from the friend to the stranger.

Your sister in Christ, 
Rebekah Robinette

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