May 2014

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Car Wash Anyone?


Would you be willing to host a car wash? Maybe your family or church would like to donate a Saturday to help feed the hungry orphans of Burma.

This could be a fun day of playing in the water, a good memory and would do so much good it’s hard to believe.

Pastor Naing Thang and his family are by faith providing food, a home, medical care and even school tuition for 30 children besides their own.

School is not free there and those who do not attend are not permitted to get work permits. Those children who do not attend school are relegated to a life of poverty and hunger. Pastor Naing is praying God will supply him with the funds to build a school so he does not have to continue to send the children to the public school.  This is a big dream. Mission To Myanmar is working hard to raise the money to build the school for the 15 children in his orphanage in Rakhine State. Starting this summer, July 2014, we are going to be building the school in stages. The school will not only serve these children but many of the Buddhist children in the area who cannot afford to pay for school. The building will also serve as a Church on the Lord’s Day and other special service times. It is our goal to build a boys’ dorm on the end of the school to provide much needed living space at the Rakhine Orphange Center.

We are praying God will move on your heart to take part in this work. Please consider it today.










Imagine Life Without A Car

Imagine trying to care for the needs of 35 people in one city and the needs of 16 more in a city 200 miles away. Every trip you needed to take you had to either walk or take a taxi. Imagine trying to do this while being a pastor, church planter, Bible school teacher and father. Hard to imagine isn’t it?

Now try to imagine it without a vehicle.

This is and has been the reality of Pastor Naing Thang for many years. It was only recently, just last year, we were able to help them get three motorcycles for use deep in-country in Myanmar. These motorcycles have been an incredible blessing for them, however, Pastor Naing Thang, their leader, is not able to use a motorcycle in the city of Yangon due to strict regulations. He could however have a car or truck if he was able to afford one. When I traveled to Yangon the first time I thought it would be one of the first things we could help him with. This was based on what getting a car is like back here in the United States. I was surprised to learn that getting a car in Myanmar is not at all like what most of us are used to. Continue reading

The Lion is on the move in Myanmar

The Lion is on the move in Myanmar.  As the Son of God breaths on the snow-covered hills of what was once called Burma, we can now begin to see lush green meadows crowned with the flowers of faith.

Shut off from the rest of the world for many years by a repressive military junta, the work our forefathers began has continued to grow beneath the fertile soils of persecution. Like the beleaguered soldiers of Valley Forge, they have survived the winter and they are ready for battle. With a little help from their friends across the sea, they will emerge victorious. Continue reading