Operation “Delivery in Distress”

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Help Us Help Them In Their Time of Dire Need

Having a baby can be a stressful event in normal times; trying to have one during a pandemic in the middle of a military coup is beyond belief.

Pastor Naing’s sweet wife Mae Swei is due to give birth right now. Two days ago all the doctors and nurses left the local hospitals in Yangon because of an unexpected military coup. Can you even imagine how difficult this must be for them?

Mae Swei’s birth of their last child, Calvin, was very difficult, and an emergency C-section was almost performed to save her and the baby. This caused us to want to bring her to the United States to give birth this month. The pandemic made this impossible. We’ve all been praying for God to give them peace and an uneventful delivery, and then two days ago, the coup happened. This changed everything. We’ve wondered what could be done for her in the midst of this unprecedented crisis.

This morning we learned that they have found a way to hire doctors and nurses in a private clinic for the birth. This will be expensive in Myanmar terms.

Would you like to join us in helping them today? If so, your gift will make this possible for them. We’re confident we’ll be able to give her all the medical support she’ll need for under $3,500. Whatever you do, please join us in prayer, and let us know so we can pass that on to Pastor Naing and his family.

We’ll keep you posted on how the birth goes and send you pictures of the new baby as soon as we have them.

Mae Swei at the doctor before the military coup

Mae Swei at the doctor before the military coup

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IMPORTANT: How Your Donations are Used

Our ministries, in Myanmar with Mission To Myanmar and in the Americas with Missions To the Americas, have a lot of different needs, some more pressing than others. If the orphans are short on food, for instance, building a school building is not as critical as feeding them. If two needs are only partially funded, then we may be able to accomplish either one. With these examples in mind, we prefer to be able to reallocate your funds as needed. If you don't want us to do this, please select the appropriate option below.


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  1. Hope
  2. Scott Cottrill
  3. Ian Morris
  4. Jeannine Gondy
  5. Bob & Jane Gibson
  6. Jeremy Duff
  7. Mark
  8. Mark
  9. Anton McCune
  10. Paul Levine


Enter your gift amount


One-time Monthly

IMPORTANT: How Your Donations are Used

Our ministries, in Myanmar with Mission To Myanmar and in the Americas with Missions To the Americas, have a lot of different needs, some more pressing than others. If the orphans are short on food, for instance, building a school building is not as critical as feeding them. If two needs are only partially funded, then we may be able to accomplish either one. With these examples in mind, we prefer to be able to reallocate your funds as needed. If you don't want us to do this, please select the appropriate option below.
