Help us build housing for the displaced people of Myanmar.
Please take a moment and walk with me into a world broken and torn by war, a war very few understand. Learn about the desperation and need for housing by the people of Myanmar, and take part in the beauty that will surely come from these ashes.
As we walk, what you will encounter will only move your spirit.
Men, women, and children, covered in dirt and lacking fresh water or food, live in little tents made of tarps resembling rags held up by bits and pieces of bamboo, mosquitoes hovering over them, waiting for the opportunity to strike.
In this environment, there is no work, which means no money, which means the ability to buy medication to counteract the effect of malaria and dengue fever is not on the table. This leaves them no choice but to watch their loved ones die one by one. The know full well it would take only two dollars to cure the fever, two dollars that are impossible for them to reach.
As outcasts in this fallen world, there is no one advocating for them. Their homes burned, their families barely survived. Now they gather in groups on the edge of town, begging for work or food to keep their families alive.
Please take a moment to stand in the tent villages and hear the buzz of conversation as they begin preparing for the up-and-coming rainy season. The effects of torrential downpours for months on end fill the air with fear and grief as they know what comes for them.
Although the feeling of hope is far from them, like a distant childhood memory, something their own children know nothing of, their Creator has not forgotten them. He has been raising a mighty few who hold tightly to a hope, and a future in Christ, a people who bear the marks of Christ in their bodies. They are not strangers to suffering and hardship, but they wear it well as a testimony of the goodness of God, and the beauty of His Kingdom here on earth.
The obedience displayed in the building of the refugee housing can only bring immense glory to God. With no funds to start with but the nudge of the Holy Spirit on Pastor Naing’s heart, we helped him break ground.
Then the gift of cement came, and from there little by little we have been able to send funds, not much or even enough to complete this project, but we continue to walk in faith.
Will you join us with your loaves and fishes and see what God will do? We received news that new walls just went up on the building. We believe that this multi-family structure will come to completion. We believe that we will see many experience the love of God through this project.
As our Myanmar team advocates for the forgotten, we would like to petition you all to co-labor with us in Christ as we carry out the work He has set before us.
Phil Walker
$100.00 -
$200.00 -
Jennifer Hammond
$200.00 -
Phil Walker
$100.00 -
Mark Stensney
$100.00 -
Jennifer Hammond
$100.00 -
Kurtis Amundson
$350.00 -
Jonathan Clark