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Get “Change Thru Change” Jars
There are two options when it comes to getting jars to help us collect money through our Change for Change campaign: Order individual…
- 0% Funded
Latest Needs
Change Thru Change
We all have spare change laying around. Rather than tossing it in a desk drawer, put it in one of our Change Thru Change jars. You can also become a coordinator and distribute jars to your family & friends.
- 61% Funded
Latest Needs
If the Lord prospers our efforts and we are able to raise the money for the school building in time, then the funds we raise beyond that will go toward the purchase of a…
- 100% Funded
- 0 Hours to Go
Latest Needs
Orphans at two orphanages in Myanmar
By God’s grace we have been able to build two new buildings, install solar power, help them build a security fence, dig two new wells and build a cistern. Praise God. We look…
- 28% Funded